Saturday, January 5, 2008


by Ed Bruce

The Las Vegas Wranglers hockey team in the ECHL continues to be my top source of entertainment at the wonderful Orleans Arena.

Not positive results for the home team the last two nights....a month agothis was the best team in the league of the top teams.

Fresno in for two nights....Friday Fresno clearly the best team for 54 minutes...they are up 4-1...I leave....Las Vegas ties it up at 4 with 16 seconds to go only to lose 5-4 in overtime.Saturday, same story Las Vegas the better team for 57 minutes up up the tying goal and takes a penalty into overtime....four on three the home loses 3-2 90 seconds into overtime.

Great always have to PLAY THE GAME. Believe it or not they go again Tuesday in a match where there clearly is not better team...I will be there !They start on time with way to loud too much muic (no its not mus9ic it is noise) STILL 99 A+

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