Wednesday, August 27, 2008


by Ed Bruce

Every year we trek to Laguna for three shows....

Marvelous Wonderettes at the Laguana playhouse....a relatively new play (Forever Plaid with babes) four stars, started 8 minutes late....great talent and production..old music ! 91 A.

Altar Boyz at the Lawrence Welk theatre in Escondido.....a relatively new play (Forever Plaid with religion) three stars, started 8 minutes late....great talent and music 83 B.

Pageant of the Masters, at Laguna still the greatest thing I have ever in their 75th year, still creating to the next level...started 8 minutes late....92 A.

The Pagaent just the total picture for the creative arts....production, narration, color, light, music, script, theme....the ultimate theatre experience...why have you not seen it !

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