Saturday, July 21, 2007


Can't say enough about this ongoing monthly series of free entertainment at the federal building in Las Vegas.

I went I learned I ate I enjoyed I asked questions and my life is enriched by the whole thing.

July's show at noon (they started 2 minutes late) John Sparks Western Cattle King and first governor of Nevada. Dr Michael E Fisher played the role and brought a greate treat to us old farts who patronize this event.
You need to bee there to get the learning fix, I can't relay it to you!

Spark born in 1843 the quintesential western man portrayed by Fisher with costume, education and flair historically accurate I am sure gave me a great 40 minutes.

This series breaks in August and returns the third Friday of each month at noon at the Federal building in Downtown Las Vegas on September 21 with a Jazz show.

I really liked this 95 an A.

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