Friday, July 27, 2007


Among the wonderful venues for community theatre in Las Vegas is one at the Spring Mountain State Park. Picnics on the lawn, family, popcorn and fun.

They do three productions a year, June, July and August. July....110 in the Shade. It is a musical based on the 1954 Richard Nash novel and the 1956 movie The Rainmaker starring Burt Lancaster. This got a terrible review from my colleague at the local paper, we loved it.

This was not broadway.....but it had some nice elements, it started on time too. Great sound system, lovely outdoor venue, very good singers, sensational tap dancer (for no reason) and a nice twist on who gets the pretty girl. (I was wrong on this one, altho having not seen the play before the story line did make me recall the movie and Lancaester must not have ended up with Katharine Hepburn in the movie either). Always good to see something for the first time and really nice to hear the lyrics clearly, a nice four piece group did not hurt this play a bit. The set was bleak, but that was the worst of it.

Give em an 82 B- and a personal thank you.

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