Saturday, March 1, 2008


by ed Bruce

De Ann Letouneau, violin
Mary Trimble, viola
Barbara Gurley, cello
Rofolfo Fernandez, arranger

Thank you all for a marvolus evening of hall of fame music ! Extremely well played, on time and played with class. Last night I get 2 guitars, banjo and bass .....tonight this, it does not get any better, what great choices of entertainment I have selected.

Tonight at the Starbright Theatre in Summerlin, Nevada (rural Las Vegas) ........STRINGS ! Reunion of Friends, the title for this baby as the girls are old friends having played together a decade ago and now regroup for my personal entertainment. The patron is made right at home at this growing venue for first class entertainment. More great stuff coming here

All music tonight chosen especially for me,.... how do they know what I like ? Formalto lead off, Haydn and Beethoven,.... intermission and then informal pops and classical shorts with some play by play.....concluding with Yesterday, Eleanor Rigby and Meditation by Massanet, what a piece of music this is !!!!!!!

What a lovely evening this was, everthing perfect just 100 A+

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