Thursday, July 24, 2008


by Ed Bruce

The worst show I have seen in Las Vegas (The Sopranos) followed today by one of the best, how fast the pace is and how fast I return to the top level entertainment I so crave.

Imagine a full hour, first class magic show at the Winchester Community Center in central Las Vegas, you got it today, check out everything they do....violins next on Saturday !

Anyway three talented magicians with first class production, sound, light and audio come out for two all too short matinees Thursday and entertain the hell out of me ! Card tricks, escape (a fourth magician) slight of hand, interaction.....all done well. McBride to open his show at the Palace Station in August, highly recommended here. Magic you have to see, what can you learn here only to go with my approval.

A+ 100 could not have been better

Finished the day off with a first visit to a new Entertainment Coupon Book restaurant....Hill Top in Henderson 11261 Eastern.....also first class, good value 100 A+

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