Sunday, August 17, 2008


BY Ed Bruce


Anything with Clint Holmes name on it will be class......this was no different.

Holmes at UNLV'S Judy Bayley theatre for four shows for the benefit of the Las Vegas Academy....Broadway stuff past, present and what Holmes hopes will be the future.

Only two minutes late !

Four Academy singers did solos to open the show, all good with piano accompaniment and then Holmes and gang ! Gang....... an interesting lineup with four vocalists, four keyboards (three too many) two sets of drums (one too many) and one guitar-bass player....all good with Holmes stamp of excellent quality sound and production. They did half a dozen numbers from West Side Story and that was enough for anybody.....that followed by some of Holmes life long story which he hopes to run onto Broadway....good stuff, very personal and well done with his four vocalists playing parts of his life.....wish him well.....he said the toughest thing on earth is going from page to production.....he has been at it awhile !

You just have to love this guy he is multi talented, a nice guy and works hard...what more do you want....anytime his name is on something...I am there !

Quite a history with Holmes black-white parents, his military, his education, his ball playing days and professional history here in Las Vegas. We first knew him 15 years ago at the Golden Nugget for Steve Wynn....then a good run at Harrahs, headling the showroom and now freelancing while trying to put this Broadway show in lights....I love you Clint !

97 A+

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