Sunday, August 12, 2007

F _ _ _ YOU

I really wanted to print it out but for the sake of my own bad language and more credibility I didn't.

That's pretty much George Carlin's every other word! However he does know lots of other words and his 50 years of standup comedy have produced a body of work and entertainment second to none. In the Bob Hope, Jackie Gleason, Red Skelton class and Carlin writes all his own stuff. What a genius, what a mind, what a thinker, the prototype example of free speech and the constitutions outline to say what we choose.

Sure standup comedian George Carlin is irreverant, profane, preverted but he also is a free thinker, creative, intellectual, intelligent and observant. Sure it helps that I agreed with damn near everything he said but I don't force myself to laugh or be entertained. It takes some balls to take on (God) if there is one, Jesus, family, friends, parents, politicians and yourself, but isn't that what free speech is? Thanks to the Orleans Casino and showroom for bringing this genius to Las Vegas and letting him go!
He is doing another weekend August 18 19 and 20.

101, A+ my score, my score is all I care about and as Carlin said, "I'm, here for me, your'e here for me and nobody is here for you, so F _ _ _ YOU!

Nice matinee Saturday at the Winchester Community Center with Las Metro Chaper "City OF Lights" Barbershop Chorus. You have to look for this stuff and I do and this was good. Started on Time, no intermission, however the administration of this event allowed proof of the two dumbest things people do are having children and playing keno. Why can't we eliminate the unruly children and crying babies from the face of the earth, as well as propagation overall? This was really bad because the issue was fine line singing and I am trying to pay attention to the lyrics (all good) and the harmony (all good) and performers (most good). Frankie Valli remains correct in stating all the good music has been written and he said that 20 years ago, you could pretty much stop with the end of the Beatles in 1969.

Anyway what a nice effort by these singers who all looked like they were having fun and enjoyed what they were doing. Female group "Ring" part of the sweet Adelines Quartet were special guests and they were special!
Barbershop has an uneven history of different organizations and politics here in Las Vegas and almost all of the 29 here were new faces (young faces) to me. I remain a fan for all of them and enjoy their talent. They had a national competition here 10-12 years ago which was more than sensational.

This show had some writing and corny sthk which I didn't think played well, that and the flying nursery puts them at B 84.

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